Getting Back in the Flow
TENACIOUS TUESDAY ~ Winter blocking your flow? I get it! Historically, I’m in a funk from February to mid-April. While hot cocoa and binge watching can be soothing, getting back in our flow sooner than later is far more invigorating in the long run.
What is flow? It’s that state of mind where we go from thinking to feeling, creativity is unearthed, energy pours from us, and we lose ourselves in the joy of an experience for some magical moments in time.✨
While flow may seem elusive, especially in winter, there are things we can do to encourage that energy to surface more frequently. Start by shutting down distractions and then try these ideas:
🤸Move your body. Yes,💯I will tell you to do LYT! Not a shameless plug but honest to goodness truth from experience of what happens when you find alignment physically and how much that inspires emotional alignment and clarity of thought. Getting upside down and shifting perspective is also incredible for clearing out cobwebs and making way for new ideas. Beyond yoga, walking, running, dancing in your kitchen, and any other form of movement will help move out the obstructions and make way for more flow.
💧Drink water. Maybe silly but dehydration can cause fatigue and fuzzy thinking. After challenging myself to drink more water, I noticed the immediate effects. Bring more flow into the body, watch the energy flow out.
🌞Sunshine + fresh air. No matter how much you hate the cold, bundle up and get out there for even 5 minutes. You’ll stay longer once you feel the fresh air on your face.
🎧Music. Your favorite, play it loud.
🧠Meditation. Quiet the mind to expand it. I know, it can be hard! If you’re new to this try free guided meditations on @insighttimer.
🗓Make it a habit. Whether you master your morning or prefer a late day routine, get in the habit of doing the things that inspire you and notice how much quicker the flow comes.
When you need a boost, look for books and podcasts by these powerhouse motivators: @steven_pressfield, @melrobbins, @simonsinek, @lara.heimann, @lewishowes, and @juliereisler!💥#BeTenacious